קול קורא להגשת תקצירים לוועידת MPR הוועדה המקצועית מטעם איקו"ם לשיווק ויחסי ציבור


Marketing and Public Relations International Committee of ICOM annual conference

Palermo, Sicily 9th- 12th September 2012


This year the conference theme is 'Creative Communications'.

Two distinguished international speakers will present keynotes



1. The elements of an effective marketing campaign; and 2. How critics measure the success of museum exhibitions.


The conference organising committee also seeks submissions for a further 11 papers. Each paper will be 20 minutes in length and must address one of the following sub-themes:


1. How we know our marketing campaigns are successful: indicators of success 2. Using the web as an effective marketing tool 3. Working with the media on marketing campaigns


Your proposal should include:

1. your name, the name of your institution and the position which you occupy in that institution; 2. which of the themes your paper addresses; and 3. a 250 word abstract describing the main points which you will discuss.


Your proposal should be submitted no later than 7th May 2012 to Romina Mancuso romina.mancuso@unipa.it. Successful applicants will be notified by 1st June, 2012.


The process is competitive and MPR committee decisions on the successful proposals are final. No MPR funding to attend the conference is available for successful applicants.

Dr. Carol Scott

Website: www.carolscottassociates.com

Email: carolannscott@fastmail.co.uk

Landline: +44 (0) 208 692 1927

Mobile: +44 (0) 787 041 7079