רשימת חירום אדומה של חפצי אמנות מצריים בסכנה

Emergency Red List of Egyptian Cultural Objects at Risk


ICOM publishes a new Emergency Red List: the Emergency Red List of Egyptian Cultural Objects at Risk.

One year on from the events that took place in Egypt in 2011, ICOM's actions to protect the country's cultural heritage from the ensuing thefts of non-inventoried objects from archaeological sites and museums have led to the publication of the Emergency Red List of Egyptian Cultural Objects at Risk.


The International Council of Museums (ICOM) announces the publication, at the National Museum of Egyptian Civilisation in Cairo (NMEC), on 6 February 2012 at 10 a.m., of a new Emergency Red List: the Emergency Red List of Egyptian Cultural Objects at Risk. ICOM Director General, Julien Anfruns, officially presented the Emergency Red List, on this occasion, in the presence of the Director of the NMEC, Dr Mohammed Abdel Fatah. Julien Anfruns had an official meeting after the presentation with the Minister of State for Antiquities, Pr Mohammed Ibrahim Ali. Following this important event, a seminar on illicit traffic and Red Lists will take place on 7 February 2012 at 9 a.m., also at the NMEC.


The ICOM Red Lists are important, effective tools designed to help police and customs officials, heritage professionals and art and antiquities dealers identify the types of objects that are most susceptible to illicit trafficking and therefore subject to smuggling and illicit trade.


The Emergency Red List of Egyptian Cultural Objects at Risk was made possible thanks to the generous support of the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.


This ICOM initiative was conducted in cooperation with its International Committee for Egyptology (CIPEG), and with the participation of national and international experts in archaeology and history and the Ministry of Antiquities of the Arab Republic of Egypt. It aims to raise awareness among the local population, law enforcement officials and the international art and antiquities market.


More information: http://icom.museum/news/news/article/icom-publishes-a-new-emergency-red-list-the-emergency-red-list-of-egyptian-cultural-objects-at-risk-1/L/0.html