ICME - גיליון 23 של הביטאון האלקטרוני לשימור

We are pleased to announce that issue no. 23 of e-conservation magazine
is now online and available to read and download from
http://www.e-conservationline.com .
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Index - Issue 23, March 2012
ISSN: 1646-9283

On Disinvestment of Cultural Heritage
By Rui Bordalo

*News & Views
A Decade of Disorder: Conservation and the Digital Revolution
By Daniel Cull

Pragmatism and Compromise in Conservation
By Peter D. Verheyen

News on e-conservation magazine
By Rui Bordalo

Urban Conservation in High Asia. The work of Andre Alexander and Tibet
Heritage Fund
By Pimpim de Azevedo and Yutaka Hirako

Faces of Memory: the Newest Technology of Preservation and Restoration
of Hand-Written and Printed Heritage
Review by Tatyana Krupa

Back to the Roots: Workshop on Textile Dyeing with Natural Dyes
Review by Anna Karatzani

XTACH 2011 International Conference on the Use of X-ray (and related)
Techniques in Arts and Cultural Heritage
Review by Mark Beech

Boxes for the Housing and Protection of Books: Observations on their
History and Development
By Gianlorenzo Pignatti

Lining, Relining and the Concept of Univocity
By Cecil Krarup Andersen

Salt Damage on the Wall Reliefs of Dendera Temple, Egypt
By Hesham Abbas Kamally

Security of Cultural Property: U.S. Engagement and Potential for
By Erik Nemeth

First Aid of Rare Ptolemaic Textile in Tuna el-Gebel Excavation, Egypt
By Harby E. Ahmed
e-conservation magazine