אקספו-טיים המגזין הבין-לאומי למוזאונים ולאנשי מקצוע מוזאליים

here is the Autumn issue of ExpoTime!, the international museum magazine for museum professionals: 70 pages packed full with stimulating articles, colourful pictures, news and articles, videos, hundreds of links, new positions, prevues and revues.

Reading is free of charge. If you like, you may also this link for free reading to friends and colleagues
For future issues we recommend a registration under http://www.museum-aktuell.de/shop/themes/user/index.php?action=registrieren&login_source=click&languageid=2

In 2013, four issues will be published, the first one in February. If you are interested to publish news and articles to a worldwide readership of more than 100,000 recipients, do not hesitate to contact us by mail or phone (see below)


Christian Müller-Straten, Ph. D.

Verlag Dr. C. Müller-Straten - Spezialverlag für Museum und Restaurierung
Ansprechpartner für inhaltliche Fragen: Dr. Adelheid Straten, Dr. Christian Müller-Straten; für kaufmännische Fragen: Dr. Christian Müller-Straten.
T. +49-(0)89 839 690-43, Fax -44, verlagcms@t-online.de
MUSEUM AKTUELL, ExpoTime!, Shop und grosses europäisches Museumsportal: http://www.museum-aktuell.de

Verlag Dr. C. Mueller-Straten - Publishing company for museums and conservation
Editorial contact: Adelheid Straten, Ph.D; trade contacts: Christian Mueller-Straten, Ph.D.
T. 0049-(0)89-839 690 43, Fax 0049-(0)89-690 44, verlagcms@t-online.de
MUSEUM AKTUELL, ExpoTime!, shop and the large European museum portal: http://www.museum-aktuell.de
Reading the new global museum magazine "ExpoTime!" is free of charge. Registration: http://www.museum-aktuell.de/shop/themes/kategorie/detail.php?artikelid=75&source=2