הכינוס השנתי של איקמה הוועדה לאתנוגרפיה מטעם איקו"ם - אוקטובר 2017, וושינגטון הבירה, ארה"ב

We send you a gentle reminder that the Early Bird registration for our Annual Meeting and Conference, Migration, Home, and Belonging, in Washington, DC, USA (17-19 October 2017) ends on 1 August. The registration form and details of how to make the payment can be found at our website <http://network.icom.museum/fileadmin/user_upload/minisites/icme/pdf/2017/ICME2017.Registration.pdf>.


We are so delighted that the Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian is generously hosting us this year and we hope to see as many of you as possible in October. Meanwhile.


Kind regards to you all, as always.


Viv Golding, Martin Earring and Ulf Dahre