איקו"ם - ידיעון אלקטרוני מרס 2018

The International Council of Museums (ICOM) is the only international organisation representing museums and museum professionals.









International Museum Day: share your ideas!

International Museum Day is a great opportunity for museum professionals to exchange on the challenges museums face today. Your museum can host conferences, debates or informal conversations around the theme of this year: “Hyperconnected museums: New approaches, new publics."
Check more ideas or share yours by using the hashtag #IMD2018!





ICOM is extending its network! 

We are happy to welcome two new National Committees to our global network, Kuwait and Seychelles!

Since the beginning of the year, new institutional members also joined ICOM membership.

  • Ecuador: the University of Azuay and the Museo del Sombrero de Paja Toquilla.
  • Mexico: the Museo de las Artes de la Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Canada: the Library and Archives Canada.
  • France: Archives Nationales, Centre d'histoire de résistance et de la déportation, Domaine national de Chambord, Etablissement public des musées d'Orsay et de l'Orangerie, Maison natale de Victor Hugo, Musée d'art moderne André Malraux, Musée archéologique de l'Oise, Musée d'Art Classique de Mougins, Musée de la Reddition, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Chambéry, Musée des troupes de Montagne, Musée du château des Lumières – Lunéville, Musée du Fort de la Pompelle, Musée du Petit-Palais, Musée St-Remi…







Display your museum community membership by booking your domain name under .museum

With the .museum gTLD, all museum professionals now have their place on the Internet. As a member of ICOM, benefit from the priority reservation period for your domain name under the .museum gTLD today.
To book the domain name, log onto the site https://welcome.museum and complete the online form to submit your booking request by March 18, 2018.
You can book a single domain name for your organization free of charge (e.g.: mymuseum.museum).

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Get to know ICOM: SAREC, support to the network
ICOM’s Standing Committee SAREC is in charge of supporting our members and our committees through grants. The allocation program not only helps individual members attend international meetings – it also supports activities from our committees that are in line with our common goals. We talked with Elke Kellner, managing director of ICOM Austria, about the experience applying for a special project grant.

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