הוועידה השנתית של CECA הוועדה המקצועית מטעם איקו"ם לחינוך ופעולות תרבות, ירבאן-ארמניה, אוקטובר 2012



ICOM/CECA Annual Conference 2012, Yerevan (Armenia), ICOM International Committee of Education and Cultural Action


Date: 20-25 October, 2012

Overall Theme: MUSEUM AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATION. Tradition and Innovation

Venue:  Yerevan, Armenia /‘‘MATENADARAN’’ Museum Institute of Ancient Manuscripts after Mesrob Mashtots Web page: www.ceca12.icom-armenia.org/en

e-mail: ceca12@icom-armenia.org



Call for Contributions


We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the upcoming conference on “Museum and Written Communication. Tradition and Innovation”. This International Meeting is intended to become a special platform for discussing theoretical and practical issues on different types of texts in the museums on international level. A text is a basic source of information transferred to the user through a museum exposition, education programme, book, new technologies, and Internet/social media etc.

Museum specialists, engaged in the theoretical and practical issues about writing texts for museum exhibition design, display label, annotation, flyer, catalog, album, book, educational programme, interpretation, Internet and social media, are invited to contribute. General areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following topics: museum exhibition seen as a "text", all museum written communication from labels to new technologies, the place of books and written sources in the museum culture.

The programme of the conference will be accompanied with discussions, workshops and study trips to the local museums and cultural, historical sites.

To encourage the participation in the Discussion Sessions ICOM/CECA offers a special award to the top five programs submitted to the CECA jury following the CECA tool on Best Practice before March 15th... for details click here.

Two pre conference workshops are organized on the following themes; Writing text labels in museums and Writing text for digital media. The number of participants in each group is limited. To participate, register on the conference web page.


Submission of Contributions


The Registration of Abstracts for the ICOM/CECA Annual Meeting in Yerevan from 20-25th of October 2012 is open from  15th of January to 15th of April 2012 at 24:00 (Yerevan  time). Authors will be notified of acceptance by May 15th, 2012. Please fill in the on-line form and submit before the deadline.  Link to submission of abstracts:  http://ceca12.icom-armenia.org/en/call-for-abstracts/

The selected papers will be published in MUSEUM Theoretical Methodical Journal volume 4 of Armenian Association of Museum Workers and Friends NGO.

 How to propose a contribution



Note: Please distribute this information to those who can be interested in this information.


For any additional information please contact the CECA Annual Conference 2012 Organizing Committee


ICOM National Committee of Armenia

(Museum of Literature and Art after Eghishe Charents) Str. Arami 1, 0010 Yerevan, Armenia

(+374 55) 510840

(+37410) 520611

ceca12@icom-armenia.org, icomarmenia@yahoo.com