הוועידה השנתית של ICME הוועדה המקצועית מטעם איקו"ם למוזאונים לאתנוגרפיה תתקיים בנמיביה, ספטמבר 2012

ICME, the International Committee for Museums of Ethnography of ICOM, will hold its annual conference in Windhoek, Namibia from September12 to 14, 2012, with a Post-Conference Tour 15-18 September.

The conference is co-hosted by the ICOM National Committee for Namibia and the Museums Association of Namibia.

The general theme is "Commodifying Culture? Cultural Villages and Living Museums"

For more information on the conference and the submission of abstracts and papers please visit the ICME website - http://www.icme.icom.museum/
The online Call for Papers is open from now til May 15, 2012.
Conference registration is open now; hotel rates are available til July 31, 2012.

ICME, the International Committee for Museums of Ethnography, is one of thirty-two international committees in ICOM, the International Council of Museums. With individual and institutional members worldwide, ICME deals with museums of many names: museums of ethnography, ethnology, anthropology, folk museums, popular culture museums, völkerkunde- and volkskunde museums. What these museums usually have in common is that they are about whole societies or cultures and their objects, rather than solely a specific class of objects.

Looking forward to meeting you in Namibia.

Sincerely Yours
Annette B. Fromm
Chair of ICME-ICOM