איקו"ם - ידיעון 27, 2012

Please find below the ICOM e-newsletter August 2012:


In this issue:

ICOMMUNITY: the collaborative platform for ICOM members

Celebrations of the Centennial Anniversary of the National Museum of China
New Mediation Workshop in Art and Cultural Heritage to be held in Ottawa-Gatineau, Canada

UNESCO expert meeting held on the protection and promotion of museums and collections

Museum News
Brazil’s Museu Imperial: banking on technology and tradition

Participate in
ICOM Croatia: Collaborative lecturing
ICME Annual Meeting

Access the e-newsletter archives at: http://archives.icom.museum/e-newsletter/e-newsletter.html

To unsubscribe, please click here http://archives.icom.museum/e-newsletter/unsubscribe.html

ICOM. UNESCO House. 1, rue Miollis. 75732 Paris Cedex 15. France. Tel. +33 (0)1 47 34 05 00. Fax +33 (0)1 43 06 78 62. E-mail: secretariat@icom.museum