אתר אינטרנט חדש על אודות מוצגי תלבושות במוזאונים

Clothes Tell Stories is an on-line Costume Workbook<http://clothestellstories.com/index.php/stories>, a web-based resource for museums, students and the general public about how to use costume to tell stories. Costume is extremely evocative and always has an immediate appeal in museum exhibitions. Clothes so easily illustrate many kinds of stories because they bring an extremely personal, engaging aspect to our history. ICOM Costume Committee members - expert costume curators and conservators from museums all over the world - are showcasing their expertise on this site. Many aspects of working with historical costume shown here will also intrigue non-specialists.


Since many small and/or specialty museums do not have access to personnel trained in working with costume, Clothes Tell Stories can help teach how to store, handle and show costume and accessories. This will not only bring less-known historical costume out in the open, but will contribute to creating valuable new contacts between the general public and ICOM specialists.


The site contains Working with clothes, with guidelines to documentation, collecting, terminology, pattern-taking, and much more. Displaying clothes contains descriptions of museums standards for planning exhibitions, mannequins, social media, and more. Telling stories with clothes contains exciting and touching stories told by costume all over the world: Coat for a wounded prince, Lace for an empress, woven legends, Zuzu Angel, Russian underwear, nurses' uniforms, theater costume and many more. See what costume detectives can tell you about historical clothes!