הוועידה השנתית של ICTOP, הוועדה להכשרת אנשי מקצוע באיקו"ם, ספטמבר 2012, אמסטרדם


ICTOP Call for Papers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands-Sept. 13-15, 2012


ICTOP, the ICOM International Committee for the Training of Personnel invites papers for the ICTOP annual conference to be held in Amsterdam Sept. 13-15 2012. Our meeting this year will be hosted by the Reinwardt Academy for Cultural Heritage, Amsterdam, School of the Arts. This international meeting will focus on the theme of “Bridges and Boundaries: Reframing Professional Education for Museums + Heritage?”

We invite proposals for paper presentations of 15 minutes, multi-paper panels, virtual papers by video or other modes of communication, which analyse current and emerging issues in the field of museum professional development.


Presentations should examine how professional development education is or is not shifting from a variety of global perspectives and the implications for the conceptualization of our museums/heritage sector and professional preparation.

As an interdisciplinary field, museology/museum studies crosses traditional boundaries between academic disciplines or schools of thought, especially as new needs, emphases and professions emerge. This leaves the boundaries of our profession, its study and delivery unclear at best. But then where and when do we identify new fields for naming our offerings? In some parts of the world, for example, museum studies/museology programs have been extended to include heritage studies in their title or content. The broader term ‘heritage’ may seem like a solution to our vague definitions of the ‘museum’ but does the term ─ and its field ‘heritage studies’ ─ bring more problems than it solves? Presenters may wish to address how prevalent (or not) this trend is across the globe or speak to specific cases as we reflect on the general implications for the field, programs of prof. education and curriculum/a developments.


A few questions to consider:


1       Is there a genuine shift in concepts and the profession or a pragmatic move that responds to governmental policy and job opportunities?

2       What are the challenges for museology programmes, or other developers, in adopting wider definitions such as that of heritage?

3       Are there other tendencies in our pedagogy representing either the voices of traditional or new disciplines ─ such as cultural studies, management, curatorial studies, gallery studies, informatics ─ or emerging topics or issues ─ such as development, sustainability, inclusion, career planning and employability ─ that are compelling changes?

4       Where is the sector/profession in this discussion?

5       What guidelines or competencies might be needed in this complex situation?


Submissions can be:


·       Paper presentations (long and short form) ·       Posters ·       Panels ·       Videos or Alternative media, multimedia ·       Workshops  etc.



(Proposal deadline April 15, 2012)

The Conference Program Committee welcomes submission of papers in both long and short forms.


 LONG PAPERS are invited to break new ground, present new insight, and a research contribution. With 20 minutes sessions these works will be included in our peer-reviewed online publication.


SHORT PAPERS report new results and contribute to one of the themes.  Set for 10 minutes work will be included in proceedings.


POSTERS present concise but focused results or examples. Proposal 150 words.       


WORKSHOPS are hands-on, interactive sessions that provide an opportunity to learn new skills or hone existing ones. The Workshops precede the Conference, may be either half or full-day Workshops, and thus provide a more in-depth exploration of a skill or area of knowledge. Equipment must be ordered in advance and paid for by presenters.


OTHER MEDIA- Participants are invited to present their work in a video or other audio-visual format, and or alternative media and multimedia. No longer than 8 minutes and have a brief text summary.





submissions will be reviewed for inclusion in the ICTOP conference and for the proceedings.


Proposals for papers, posters, panels,

etc. should include

· Title

· a 150 word abstract due April

15, 2012

· All papers and presentations

should attempt to present a critical reflection on their research, observations, case.

· Workshops– indicate level,

length, targeted attendees and pre-requisites


Submission deadlines

                             April 15, 2012 Submit to ictop2012@gmail.com

Conference Proceedings and


Long papers, short papers, and poster

abstracts will be included in the conference proceedings, with panel discussions, video and other media being document and preserved for the post-conference website.


Program Committee

Chair. Professor Lynne Teather, Chair of ICTOP, Assoc.

Professor, Museum Studies, University of Toronto Phaedra Livingstone, Secretary of ICTOP and Assistant Professor, Museum Studies, Arts and Administration Program (AAD), University of Oregon Hester Dibbits, Professor, Reinwardt Academy )Amsterdam School of the Arts) and Director of the Masters in Museology Paula Assuncao dos Santos, ICTOP Board, and Lecturer Reinwardt Academy

Due date for submission of abstract

April 15, 2012


If you have questions, please contact lynne.teather@utoronto.ca , Chair of ICTOP

ICTOP Bursary Program- Submit

application by May 1 2012

Submit to ictop2012@gmail.com


Note also ICOM BURSARY PROGRAMME FOR YOUNG PROFESSIONALS Two submission dates, either by 20 March, 2012 or 20 May, 2012 ICOM to answer by 19 May, 2012 or 19 July, 2012, respectively

      * Guidelines

      * Application form 


Lynne Teather,D. Phil.,

Assoc. Prof.,

Masters of Museum Studies,

I-School (Faculty of Information),

University of Toronto,

140 St. George Street

Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G6

Phone 905-770-6910 or 416-978-6274

lynne.teather@utoronto.ca or lynne.teather@gmail.com

Chair (2010-2013)

International Committee for the Training of Personnel (ICTOP)-International Council of Museums (ICOM) www.ictop.org Co-editor Museum History Journal

