הוועידה השנתית של ICOFOM הוועדה המקצועית מטעם איקו"ם למוזאולוגיה תתקיים בטוניס, נובמבר 2012

ICOM's International Committee for Museology is pleased to announce that we now have the dates for our 2012 annual conference and meeting.  It will will be held 1 - 3 November 2012 in Tunis, Tunisia.  More information will be posted on our website    http://network.icom.museum/icofom   as it becomes available.


Just by way of a reminder:

Our topic this year is:  Empowering the visitor: process, progress and protest The deadline for the submission of papers is7 May 2012


The Call for Papers is currently posted on our website.


We hope to see many of you in Tunis in November!


Best wishes,

Lynn Maranda

ICOFOM Secretary (corresponding)