הכינוס השנתי של ICR הוועדה המקצועית מטעם איקו"ם למוזאונים אזוריים יתקיים בסרביה, ספטמבר 2012

Invitation and Call for papers Home and Hearth:  Regional Museums and Gastronomic Heritage. 


Join colleagues from around the world to discuss documenting, preserving and interpreting tangible and intangible aspects of gastronomic heritage, and contribute your own "food for thought".


The International Committee for Regional Museums (ICR), ICOM South East Europe Alliance (ICOM SEE), ICOM Serbia and the Regional Museum of Prijepolje invite you to participate in the annual conference to be held 22-29 September 2012 in Belgrade and Prijepolje, Serbia.  The organizers seek presentations and case studies relevant to the theme HOME AND HEARTH:  REGIONAL MUSEUMS AND GASTRONOMIC HERITAGE.  


Hearth and home, fireplace and family, warmth and comfort - these are the vital ingredients of social life. Food and the spaces in which it is prepared and served play important parts in family and community life.  The kitchen has changed over time - in some urban contexts today it now resembles a laboratory.  How has technology changed how and where food is prepared and served? What are the unwritten rules regarding food selection, preparation, presentation and consumption?  How have urbanization, immigration and other changes to community and family life affected diet, gastronomy and the material heritage?


How do the households of cultural, religious and ethnic groups differ regarding food selection, preparation, presentation and consumption?  What are the unspoken rules, practices, manners?  How are these rules reflected in the material culture and vice versa?  Until recently the types of available foods depended upon geography, but what make one type of animal or grain more desirable than another?  What foods are reserved for festivals and other special occasions?  What special utensils and containers are used to make these foods?  What are museums doing to document and collect these changing practices and technologies? How are the traditions and stories associated with food interpreted for visitors?


ICR seeks examples of good practices, successful exhibitions, cooperative activities, community partnerships, events and educational programs which address these questions.


Proposals consisting of a title and abstract (summary of up to 200 words) for presentations of 15 minutes and case studies of 10 minutes should be sent by 20 July 2012 to Sue Hanna at sushanna1@aol.com and Rune Holbek at ruh@vaf.no


Decisions about proposals will be communicated by 27 July 2012. Authors of successful proposals will be asked to provide a written version of their presentation by 5 September 2012 for consideration for publication in the Conference Proceedings.  Papers should be submitted as a Microsoft word document with photos, tables and charts as separate attachments.


For additional information go to www.icr-icom.org or contact Sue Hanna, ICR Secretary at sushanna1@aol.com or Rune Holbek, ICR Treasurer at ruh@vaf.no


Welcome to Serbia and ICR's annual conference!