הכינוס השנתי של CAMOC הוועדה המקצועית מטעם איקו"ם למוזאוני ערים: התנגשויות│חיבורים, יתקיים בוונקובר, אוקטובר 2012

  *CAMOC / **Museum of Vancouver*

*Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada*

*October 24-27, 2012*

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*Online Registration Now Open!*

*Don’t miss three exciting days:*

   - *Keynote addresses by internationally*-respected urban planner Larry

   Beasley and former Director of the Museum of London, now CEO of the

   Royal British Columbia Museum, Jack Lohman

   - Speakers from more than 15 countries about how city museums are

   reconsidering their role in civic life due to the enormous pressure cities

   face in terms of aging infrastructure, the need for urban regeneration,

   economic and environmental crises, and social issues such as demographic

   shifts, global diasporas, increasing immigrant and urban Aboriginal

   populations; as well as city museums under development, urban/edge city

   museums, and city museums in large and small cities

   - Behind-the-scenes tours of the Museum of Vancouver, opening reception

   at the Museum of Anthropology/UBC, National Film Board premiere at VIFF,

   Ignite! Sessions, poster competition, meeting at the Vancouver Art Gallery,

   an off-site workshop in North Vancouver, optional tours of Richmond or



*Register before September 1 to save! For complete program details and to register online go to http://www.museumofvancouver.ca/*


CAMOC is the Collections and Activities of Museums of Cities committee of ICOM, *a forum for people who work in or are interested in museums about cities, urban planners, historians, economists, architects or geographers, all of whom together can share knowledge and experience, exchange ideas and explore partnerships across international boundaries*.



The Museum of Vancouver is Canada’s largest urban history museum focusing on the life of a city.



*For additional information contact *Catherine C. Cole, Principal Consultant, Catherine C. Cole & Associates, Conference Co-Chair/Member CAMOC Board: CatherineC.Cole@telus.net; 1-780-424-2229


*Please share with your members and colleagues*


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