נפתחה ההרשמה לכינוס ICOFOM הוועדה המקצועית מטעם איקו"ם למוזאולוגיה שיתקיים בטוניס, נובמבר 2012

In reference to the upcoming 34th symposium of ICOM's International Committee for Museology (ICOFOM) scheduled for 1-3 November 2012 in Tunis, Tunisia, on the topic of "Empowering the Visitor: process, progress and protest", we are pleased to send to you the conference Registration Forms.  These are attached, each in one of ICOM's three official languages - English, French, and Spanish.  We would appreciate it if you could please submit your Registration Form as soon as possible.  Please note that the Registration Fee is due before 1 October 2012.

We look forward to seeing you in Tunis!!

For the registration form, please press here.

With best wishes,

Lynn Maranda

ICOFOM Secretary (corresponding)

on behalf of the ICOFOM Executive Board