קול קורא למשלוח תקצירים לקונגרס הבין-לאומי ה-11 ל-SIEF, אסטוניה, יולי 2013

The call for papers for the 11th International SIEF Congress is now open and will close on 18th January 2013.

The Congress, to be held in Tartu, Estonia, June 30–July 4,2013, is organized in collaboration by the Institute for Cultural Research and Fine Arts at the University of Tartu, Estonian Literary Museum, Estonian National Museum, the Centre of Excellence in Cultural Theory, and the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology at Tallinn University. Congress website: www.siefhome.org.

The SIEF 2013 Congress examines the stakes and implications of circulation and its semantic siblings – flow, exchange, travel, and mobility. As a thematic touchstone for panels and presentations, the Congress theme (http://goo.gl/sSWmo) should be used to help imagine
informed and engaging entry points into theory or into current interdisciplinary conversations, while standing on firm ground in ethnology, folkloristics or cultural anthropology.

We are witnessing an unprecedented growth of networks, of new infrastructures and channels that circulate knowledge, expressions, images, and information at previously unthinkable speeds, ranges and intensities. Though ethnologists,folklorists and cultural anthropologists have been thinking and writing about circulation for a century and half, contemporary phenomena call for a renewed
interest in how cultural forms and expressions are produced,
retained, contested or consumed via these new circuits.

Following the opening event on June 30, 2013 the programme will run over three full days and comprise sessions with different formats: panel sessions with paper presentations, workshops, poster sessions and a film festival.

Each day of the Congress features two invited keynote speakers. Confirmed keynote speakers include:
Michael Herzfeld (Harvard University), Robert G. Howard (University of Wisconsin), Kristin Kuutma (University of Tartu), Joep Leerssen (University of Amsterdam), Alessandro Portelli (Sapienza University of Rome) and Greg Urban (University of Pennsylvania).

In panels, each presenter will be given up to 30 minutes, with a maximum of 20 minutes presenting and 10 minutes for questions / discussion.

Workshops are conceptualized as practical events, guided discussions and free‐format exchanges leading to specific public outputs. They may include elements of performance, exhibition materials, or interactive media displays.

Poster sessions are meant to provide everyone with the opportunity of presenting their work and are aimed at junior scholars in particular. Sessions will run throughout the Congress, with dedicated slots when poster presenters will be available at their respective display to discuss their topic with the colleagues.

The Congress also welcomes ethnographic films. The film screening seeks to provide a forum for those interested in visual representations of anthropological/ethnological knowledge.

Please browse the list of accepted panels and workshops on the Congress website www.nomadit.co.uk/sief/sief2013/panels.php5
and make your proposal to an appropriate panel. All proposals must be made via the online form! Convenors wishing to present in their own panel should also use the online form to enter their proposal.

Proposals should consist of a paper title, a very short abstract of less than 300 characters, and an abstract of 250 words.

Posters and films must confirm to the same basic requirements as outlined for the panel/workshop sessions.

Detailed instructions for submitting proposals and contacting
panel convenors are provided on the Congress website where you can also find more information on the film festival.

Please note the following:
You may only make one presentation, although you may also convene one panel/workshop and/or act as discussant for one panel/workshop. You may submit multiple proposals; however, this is not encouraged;
instead we will attempt to re‐house any papers which were initially rejected by panel/workshop convenors due to lack of space (rather than quality) after the call has closed.

All presenters must be members of SIEF, and have paid their subscription (€20,‐) for 2013 before the conference. However, you may propose a paper before joining. If and when your paper is accepted, non‐members will be asked to sign up.

SIEF is officially trilingual, allowing presentations in English, French and German. Yet it is up to the decision of the panel convenors as to which languages they will accept in their panel/ workshop. In the first instance please contact the convenors of the relevant panel and ask them if they are happy to accept a paper
in a language besides English.

Any queries with the above please e‐mail: congress@siefhome.org.

Congress website: www.siefhome.org


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