מדיניות ציבורית כלפי מוזאונים בעת משבר - כינוס שיתקיים מטעם איקום אירופה ואיקום פורטוגל,בליסבון, אפריל 2013


Enclosed you will find documents referring to the International Conference promoted jointly by ICOM Portugal and ICOM Europe under the title “Public Policies toward Museums in Times of Crisis”.

I’m also including the programme for the annual trip of ICOM Europe (from Marrakeck (Morocco) to Lisbon (Portugal), which will take place immediately before the Conference.

In my name and also on behalf of Dr. Damodar Frlan, Chair of ICOM Europe,  I kindly ask you to promote this event at your national level.

I do hope to count with you and/or other colleagues of your organisation in our Conference and/or Annual Trip.

Best regards.

Luís Raposo

Chair of ICOM Portugal

Member of the Board of ICOM Europe


For program press here


Information for pre-convention trip press here


Direct link for this purpose:



See also ICOM calendar:



and only for ICOM registered members:
