פסטיבל FIAMP מטעם הוועדה המקצועית AVICOM לאודיו-ויז'ואל וטכנולוגיות יתקיים ברוסיה, ספטמבר 2014 - התחרות פתוחה

FIAMP.2014: The deadline is extended!!
The deadline of the date of registration for entering the competition of FAIMP.2014 is extended to may 19th:

Download the form <here>





Next festival FIAMP will be held from 15 till 20 September 2014 in Moscow, in Russia. It is hosted and co-organized by ICOM Russia committee.


The competition is open from now to museums, heritage institutions and to professionals of technologies who have produced cultural productions and programs for museums.


These productions and programs are audiovisuals, Web sites, multimedia and interactives (CD-ROM, DVD-Rom, terminals, mobile and tablets apps, etc.).


Download the registration form for the competitions <http://network.icom.museum/fileadmin/user_upload/minisites/avicom/Gallery/FIAMP/2014/Ins_Comp_fiamp2014_form_ANG_V1.pdf>

Download the presentation of the FIAMP <http://network.icom.museum/fileadmin/user_upload/minisites/avicom/Gallery/FIAMP/2014/presentation_fiamp_VEng3.pdf>


Information on the colloquium and festival will be soon on our site.
