"מוזאון ופוליטיקה" כינוס בין-לאומי מטעם איקו"ם רוסיה, איקו"ם גרמניה ואיקו"ם ארה"ב, יתקיים בספטמבר 2014 ברוסיה

On 25 – 27 of April 2014 International conference “Museum and Politics” Organizing committee held a work meeting in Saint-Petersburg. Main tasks of our meeting were: examine all venues for the conference, make decisions on papers that will become part of the program.

We have received 147 abstracts for the conference from all over the world and during the meeting we have selected 71 papers for the plenary and sectional meetings during the conference part in Saint-Petersburg (09 – 12 of September). As well we have decided to hold four parallel during the sectional day of the conference:

•             Museums and Foreign Policy

•             Museums and Society Development

•             Museums and “hard” History

•             Museums and Internal Politics.

Also for the Yekaterinburg part (13 – 14 of September) of the conference we have selected 18 papers that will become a basis for the plenary session and two sections:

•             Industrial heritage preservation

•             Museum and regional development

Besides USA, Germany and Russia we will have papers from: Albania, Armenia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Benin, Bosnia Herzegovina, Cameroon, Canada, China, Finland, Greece, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Qatar, Serbia, South Africa, Sweden, and Taiwan.

Final variant of the conference program will be announced in June!


Plenary session of the conference will be held in the recently renewed General Staff Building of the State Hermitage Museum, which has got its 250-years anniversary in 2014. As well during the conference all participants will visit main exposition of the State Hermitage. Also during the conference we will have the unique possibility to participate in the opening ceremony of the newest part of the State Hermitage depository.

Sectional meetings will be held in museums of Saint-Petersburg:

•             The State museum of the political history of Russia

•             The State museum of the history of Religion

•             A. S. Popov central post and communication museum

•             Museum of history of Saint-Petersburg

Each of these museums is unique in its kind: the only museum devoted to all religions in Russia, the first museum of political history in Russia (1919), the oldest museum of post and communication (1872) and the museum devoted to the history of the most beautiful city in the world.


You could register for the conference on the conference Website - http://museumandpolitics.ru/en/. As well on the Website you could pay registration fees, book a hotel and flights and pay all services using system of online payments.


Organizing committee




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