קול קורא להגשת תקצירים לכינוס השנתי של ICTOP הוועדה להכשרת אנשי מקצוע מטעם איקו"ם, וייטנאם, אוקטובר 2014

Rethinking Museums & Sustainable Development for the Global Profession: Postcolonial Museology, Appropriate Capacity Building and Regional Engagement

'More of the Same Will Not do' Ban-ki Moon, UN Secretary General, June 2012  (Rio+20)
Call for Papers:
ICOM-ICTOP is very pleased to announce it will hold its annual conference in Hanoi and Ha Long Bay, Vietnam, Oct. 21-25, 2014. It will be an intensive Professional Development Program in partnership with ICOM Vietnam, Vietnam Ministry of Culture and Tourism, ICOM MINOM, and the International Institute for the Inclusive Museum with the support of the ICOM Asia Pacific Alliance. This is a remarkable opportunity to join with Asia Pacific colleagues, Inclusive Museum and Vietnam colleagues to address pressing issues in sustainability, professional development, appropriate museology and capacity building. Applied heritage workshops will include: Intangible Heritage at the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology; Gender Mainstreaming at the Vietnam Museum of Women; City Museums and Urban Development at the Hanoi City Museum; Ecomuseology and Sustainable Development in the Ha Long Ecomuseum; Regional Collaboration for Capacity Building at the ASEAN (Southeast Asian Museum)

Context: The recent debates on rethinking museums and collections are challenging hegemonic notions of museology and the conventional approaches to capacity building in museums. Further, questions of museum development world-wide, professional development, and future appropriate directions are yet to be addressed either in ICOM or other circles.

Questions re: Professional Development
How is your professional offering addressing questions of sustainable development within the context of museology/museum studies?
What would you like to learn or offer in order to reflect inclusive, regionally representative critical museological discourse?
How can ICOM and ICTOP better engage the concerns of the BRICS countries, the Millennium Development Goals and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the new UN post 2015 Development Agenda?
What are the implications of the SDGs for curriculum and the educational work of the profession?
How does an inclusive and sustainable museology work in capacity building?

We invite 15-20 minute papers (talks) related to how the museum/heritage profession and professional development has/can address sustainability through the lens of inclusion, capacity building, and appropriate or progressive museology in action.

Please submit an 80 word proposal along with a 30 word resume for review by June 30, 2014, to:
Darko Babic, Ph. D.,   University of Zagreb, ICTOP Treasurer, dbabic@ffzg.hr

Guiding documents: ICOM 2013 Resolutions 4 and 6 from Rio. ICOM Code of Ethics; ICOM Cultural Diversity Charter; and Rio +20 & UN Post 2015 Development Agenda material.
RESOLUTION NO. 4 addresses: Museums, Gender Mainstreaming and Inclusion: Benchmarking against the ICOM Cultural Diversity Charter, Shanghai 2010
RESOLUTION NO. 6 addresses: Viability and Sustainability of Museums
All available at:   http://icom.museum/the-governance/general-assembly/resolutions-adopted-by-icoms-general-assemblies-1946-to-date/rio-de-janeiro-2013/

Lynne Teather, M.A. (U of Toronto), D. Phil. (Leicester Museum Studies), FCMA
Retired Professor, Masters of Museum Studies, Faculty of Information,University of Toronto and cultural heritage & museum consultant
email: lynne.teather@gmail.com or lynne.teather@utoronto.ca

Chair (2010-2016), International Committee for the Training of Personnel (  ICTOP)-International Council of Museums (ICOM) lynne.teather@gmail.com

Phone: 1-905-770-6910 Cell: 647-990-6910
Surface mail c/o 102 Larratt Lane, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada L4C 0E3