הרמן ווילם ברינקמן, המזכיר הכללי בדימוס מטעם איקו"ם בשנים 2004-1998 נפטר בתאיילנד

We have learned with deepest sorrow that Herman Willem Brinkman, former Secretary General of the International Council of Museums (ICOM), affectionately known as Manus by his family, friends and colleagues, passed away on 4 July, 2015 in Thailand.


Born on 7 January, 1950 in the Netherlands, Manus served as ICOM Secretary General from 1998 to 2004, when he retired to Thailand. During his term as head of the ICOM Secretariat, working with then-ICOM President, Jacques Perot, he was responsible for managing the 19,000 ICOM members around the world, a network that grew and has continued to grow since. He gained prominence as a museum professional in the 1980s, working for the Children's Museum of the Tropenmuseum, Netherlands for a decade, during which he became director of the institution. He was subsequently director of the Dutch Museum Association, prior to joining ICOM. His work notably focused on highly innovative programmes concerning developing countries, racial minorities and disadvantaged communities. Through his involvement in European and international cultural activities, he was elected Chairperson of NEMO (Network of European Museum Organisations) from 1995-1998. As Secretary General of ICOM, Manus fought to counter illicit traffic in cultural property, out of his personal wish to act for the respect, equality and promotion of all cultures. Following his early retirement to join his wife in Thailand, he continued to work as content editor of the Virtual Collection of Asian Masterpieces. The ICOM network was able to rely on his commitment to and understanding of the organisation as a member of the Working Group on Governance throughout 2014.


We regret the loss of a unique and extraordinary colleague of the world museum community and express our sincere condolences to Annelie, his wife, to his entire family, and to all of his friends and colleagues. We join Annelie in celebrating Manus's life and sharing the positive outlook that he held through the end of his life: "Realise what you have, do the things you want to do, cherish it all and don't take anything for granted."


Hans-Martin Hinz, President of ICOM

Anne-Catherine Robert-Hauglustaine, Director General of ICOM ICOM General Secretariat



Message from Jacques Perot (1998-2004)

The international museum community, and in particular, all of the friends he made at ICOM, are deeply saddened. Manus Brinkman, Secretary General from 1998 to 2004, is no more. A number of personal memories resurface. Personally, I keep the memory of a friend and diligent colleague who was notably able to oversee the structural reforms undertaken by ICOM at the time, and successfully organise two magnificent general conferences in Barcelona and Seoul.

Open to others, he knew how to listen, and his smile stayed etched in your memory. He had many friends around the world and notably in Thailand, where with his wife, Annelie, he spent his last years, ever active and generous. A compassionate and beautiful person has left us, and we would like to let his wife, Annelie, and all of his loved ones know that we share their sorrow in this sad time of goodbyes. Their pain is our pain. 


Jacques Perot

ICOM President (1998-2004)