עלון איקו"ם - ספטמבר 2015



The International Council of Museums (ICOM) is the only international organisation representing museums and museum professionals.

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E-newsletter September 2015




ICOM holds an ICOM-ITC special training workshop in Arusha, Tanzania

ICOM-ITC held a special training workshop for 28 participants from 15 different countries at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro from 31 August to 9 September 2015. The training, on the subject of "Museums Today: From Collecting to Marketing," was held at the National Natural History Museum and the Arusha Declaration Museum.

Read the full article here

Did you know?

Twenty-two years ago, in September 1993, ICOM held a workshop in Arusha on the illicit traffic of cultural property. Organised as part of a programme bringing together museum professionals, police and customs officials, the workshop aimed to establish regional collaboration and to significantly reduce illicit trafficking. The workshop produced the Arusha Appeal, in which heritage professionals laid out the priorities for a policy aimed at effectively fighting this scourge.






Registration launch for ICOM Milano 2016!



This year, the theme Museums and cultural landscapes will explore the concept of the “open air museum” and analyse the relationship between museums and landscapes in constant evolution. It presents both an opportunity and a challenge for museums to revive their mission and strengthen their cultural and social role, as this central issue is a strategic perspective for the museums of the third millennium around the world.

Register now and save 35% for ICOM Milano 2016! Attention, this reduction is only valid until 28 January, 2016!

As an incentive to the participation of its members, ICOM has implemented two travel grant programmes.




A new issue of ICOM News!

The latest issue of ICOM News is out! Vol 68 no 2 includes a special report on museum architecture, with a look at notable buildings in Brazil, France, Greece, Japan and elsewhere. Read about the amazing history of the broken 15th century sculpture of Adam, the subject of a 12-year restoration at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and a fascinating case study in conservation techniques. The issue also includes the Recommendation on the Protection and Promotion of Museums and Collections, prepared by ICOM and UNESCO and explained by one of its authors, and a look at the post-earthquake situation in Nepal and disaster management efforts coordinated by ICOM and other organizations.

You can also read about the highlights of International Museum Day 2015, the upcoming events at the 2016 ICOM General Conference in Milan, and more – all arriving soon in your mailbox!

Read the latest issue of ICOM News online: http://icom.museum/media/icom-news-magazine/icom-news-2015-no2/

Download from ICOMMUNITY: http://icommunity.icom.museum/en/content/icom-news-magazine




ICOM's annual conferences are in full swing

After a packed month of September, with annual meetings and conferences held all over the world by national and international committees, the month of October promises to be just as eventful for the ICOM community.

The month kicks off with an International Committee for Architecture and Museum Techniques (ICAMT) conference from 8 to 10 October on "Norwegian Narratives – from post-war poverty to international acclaim" in Trondheim, Norway. Then the members of the International Committee for the Training of Personnel (ICTOP) will gather in Georgetown, Barbados for a meeting on "Professional Development in Caribbean Society: Adapting to New Realities" from 14 to 17 October. The Committee for Museums and Collections of Natural History (NATHIST) will then hold its annual meeting on the topic of "Natural History Museums: Building our Future" from 19 to 23 October in Taipei, Taiwan, while the members of the International Committee for Regional Museums (ICR) will be meeting in Tel Aviv, Israel to discuss the International Museum Day 2015 theme of "Museums for a Sustainable Society." Meanwhile, the International Committee for Historic House Museums (DEMHIST) will be gathering in Mexico City for a meeting on "The legacy of House Museums promoting dialogue among Generations."

The International Committee for Marketing and Public Relations (MPR) will then hold its annual meeting from 24 to 28 October in Yerevan, Armenia on the topic of "Emerging Trends," while the International Committee for Museums and Collections of Ethnography (ICME) will be meeting in Hanoi, Vietnam for a conference on "Museums and Communities: Diversity, Dialogue, Collaboration." The international Committee for museum security (ICMS) will also gather in Asia, in Zhengzhou, China, from 19 to 23 October 2015.

Finally, members of the International Committee for Collecting (COMCOL) will meet in Seoul, South Korea from 26 to 31 October at the National Folk Museum of Korea to discuss the topic "Collecting & Collections – the politics and praxis of social, economic and intellectual stability." The International Committee for Museum Management (INTERCOM) will round out the month in Washington, D.C. with a conference on sustainable museum management.

During the month of September, several national and international committees broadcast their conferences live on social media, which was a great success among Twitter users interested in cultural heritage and museums.

Most of the conferences mentioned above will also be live-tweeting using the following hashtags: #ICTOP15, #ICOMdemhist15, #ICOMnathist15, #ICOMmpr15, #COMCOL15 and #INTERCOM15. Keep up with ICOM network events and activities and live-tweet hashtags by following ICOM at @IcomOfficiel.

Find a partial list of ICOM conferences here.




ICOM celebrates 70th anniversary in pictures!

From 3 September until 1 November, 2015, ICOM invites you to celebrate its 70th anniversary with pictures!

Since 1946, you have helped ICOM shine around the world. In celebration of 70 years of sharing, ICOM is organising a giant photo collection entitled “Faces of ICOM - A selfie for ICOM’s 70th anniversary!”

Participating is simple and can be done in 4 easy steps:

1. Grab your smartphone, tablet or camera.
2. Choose your background, a location that best represents your work environment (unusual or hidden spaces in your establishment, or its most emblematic masterpiece).
3. Take a picture of yourself!
4. Send us your images at the following email address: events@icom.museum
5. Don’t forget to fill in the following information:
- First and last name:
- Country of origin:
- ICOM Committee(s) to which you belong:
- Date and time the picture was taken:
- Confirmation of your e-mail address:
- Member of ICOM since:

The best pictures will be showcased during a unique exhibition at the ICOM General Conference in Milan, from 4 to 6 July, 2016. To multiply the possibilities, we encourage you to take a few different selfies. If you need inspiration, take the example of our Directors selfie.

We look forward to seeing all of your smiling faces, which are sure to make the anniversary all the more memorable.


ICOM News Vol 68 No 3: Call for papers

If you are interested in contributing to the Special Report on ‘Museums and cultural landscapes’ for ICOM News Vol 68 No 3 (December 2015), please contact Sara Heft by 20 October: sara.heft@icom.museum




ICOM statement concerning the protection of cultural property and the amendment of the law in Germany

In light of the current international discussions concerning the amendment of the German law on the protection of cultural property, the International Council of Museums (ICOM), represented by its President Prof. Dr. Hans-Martin Hinz and by the Chair of its German National Committee, Dr. Michael Henker, wishes to express its support in favor of the initiative of Staatsministerin Prof. Monika Grütters.

Read more


2016 with ICOM

Are you a museum professional or do you work in a cultural institution? If you share our vision of heritage protection, feel free to join us! You will become part of a strong community of 35,000 members, with free access to ICOM’s resources and continual opportunities for involvement in international activities and issues.

Contact your country’s ICOM National Committee




Hits of the month

Check out the most popular Facebook and Twitter posts of the month and the most read articles from our Scoop it press review!










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