העלון האלקטרוני מטעם איקו"ם - גיליון פברואר 2017

The International Council of Museums (ICOM) is the only international organisation representing museums and museum professionals.

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E-newsletter February 2017




Putting into practice our on-going advocacy to promote increased effective international cooperation and the transnational exchange of information, ICOM organised a two-day working meetinAg to talk about existing and future practical tools in the identification of trafficked art and heritage.

Thanks to the active participation of a select group of experts from INTERPOL, the World Customs Organisation, UNESCO, French, Italian and Spanish police forces, NGOs and academics, we were able to clearly identify new areas of development for the ICOM Red List of Cultural Objects at Risk series. We are grateful to be able to count on the cooperation of dedicated professionals willing to support the successful work of the world museum community in its continuous efforts to protect cultural heritage.

Thanks to the support of the French Ministry of Culture, a second working meeting with a different group of experts will take place this month to wrap up consultations on the use of the Red Lists; its conclusions will serve as a basis for the future online Red List tool.

With 16 ICOM Red Lists concerning close to 40 countries, it is easy to imagine how many illicitly trafficked objects could be seized should the Lists be used consistently by dealers and collectors, as well as by law enforcement officials at the world’s largest ports of entry. New lists are currently being developed, namely for Yemen and Southeast Europe.

For more information: http://redlist.icom.museum







Sharing and highlighting archive collections
In additional to the actual work of archiving, archive managers are also being asked to share their collections. Highlighting documents requires new communication, exhibition and cultural mediation skills. In partnership with the Association of Swiss Archivists, ICOM Switzerland is offering for the first time in 2017 a course specifically designed for German- and French-speaking archivists.

Project management for exhibitions
Project management can create fertile ground for creation and innovation when teams in charge of exhibitions fully embrace the approach. In a world where efficiency is becoming increasingly important to museums, this course offers an introduction to tools that can be used to coordinate the work of a multidisciplinary team, plan several phases in a project, and stick to a budget.

For more information (in french):http://www.museums.ch/fr/formation/cours/







Museum International ICOM is preparing an issue of Museum International on the theme “Museums and Public Policy”. The issue will be overseen by the Editorial Board, with Prof Dr Tereza Scheiner as Editor in Chief. Abstracts of between 250 and 300 words, written in English, French or Spanish, should be submitted before 7 March 2017.
For more information: http://icom.museum/media/museum-international/

ICOFOM is organizing an international symposium from 9 to 11 June 2017 in Paris at the Sorbonne Nouvelle on the theme "Defining the 21st Century Museum". The challenge of this symposium, open to ICOM members, is to create a comprehensive discussion on the definition of museum. The deadline for proposal submissions is 15 March 2017. For more information: http://bit.ly/2kFw8Mu

ICEE ICOM has launched its Call for Papers for the 2017 ICEE Annual Conference, to be held in October 2017 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The theme of this year's conference is "Exhibitions Without Borders", exploring the role of cultural diplomacy, media and technology, and audience engagement in creating more powerful, diverse and inclusive exhibitions. The deadline for proposal submissions is 22 March 2017. For more information: http://network.icom.museum/icee/news/detail/article/call-for-papers/








The month of May is time for the annual celebration of International Museum Day, a highly anticipated event for the global museum community. It has always been celebrated on 18 May, but organisers can decide on the duration of the festivities: an hour, a night or an entire week – everyone can place museums in the spotlight as they best see fit.

This year, the theme of International Museum Day is Museums and contested histories: Saying the unspeakable in museums. To help participants address this particularly sensitive subject, ICOM has formed a scientific panel of leading experts in the field. Visit the event’s Facebook page to see their contributions, which we'll be publishing regularly.


On the Facebook page, you can also find articles, suggestions for activities, videos and pictures you can share, and more.

Visit https://www.facebook.com/internationalmuseumday/

photo by Abbas Momani




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